* * * * *
To All System Traders Club Members
Special Announcement
System Traders Club Announces the launch of the long-awaited
* * Club Members can now have low cost access to the output of all 14 Traders
Club trading systems.
* * No need to own or purchase TradeStation or SuperCharts or other
analytical software.
* * No need to subscribe to a data service and download price data every
night looking for signals.
* No analysis. * * No charts. * No effort.
* Simple. * Convenient. * Timely. * Accurate.
Subscribers to the Signals Service will receive a daily e-mail message
listing the daily trading signals generated by:
The Sidewinder Bond System
The Serendipity Bond System
The Phoenix Bond System
The 25 by 25 Bond System
The Big Dipper Bond System
The Little Dipper Bond System
The Prudent S&P System
The Remarkable S&P System
The Mack NYFE System
The 7 - 11 Yen System
The First Sword Yen System
The Katsu Yen System
The Wildcat Crude Oil System
The Roughneck Crude Oil System
And more new systems as released
The daily e-mail message will be sent each evening and will list the new
signals for each system that are to be entered for the following morning.
The daily messages will keep track of new entries, open positions, stop-loss
orders, and profit-taking exits. The clear and concise format will contain
precise order instructions for each system that can be read or forwarded
immediately to your broker.
You choose the markets and systems you want to trade. ALL OF THE SIGNALS ARE
LISTED and you can trade the markets and systems that you select. Trade one
market with a small account or all the markets with a big account or anything
To view the 1999 results of the systems and trade by trade listing, go here:
Pricing information: $150 per month (in advance) conveniently charged to
your credit card each month. You may cancel at any time.
Special Pricing For System Owners: We believe that many system owners will
be interested in this valuable service to supplement and verify their system
output. To look after our loyal customers we are offering highly discounted
rates for present system owners.
If you own 5 or more systems you pay only $100 per month
If you own 10 or more systems you pay only $50 per month
The Signals Service will begin transmission of signals on August 31 for
market entry on September 1st.
or phone Chuck LeBeau at (310) 265-9776.
You are welcome to ask questions and make convenient arrangements for payment. MasterCard,
Visa and American Express Cards are welcome. Worldwide subscribers are welcome and pay the same rates as U.S. subscribers.
For more details you are encouraged to contact Chuck LeBeau by phone or
Don't delay. Enroll now. The Signals Service begins in only a few days.
Chuck Le Beau's System Traders Club
ph 310-265-9776
fax 310-265-9556