
Using GPG with Pine on Fedora/RedHat Linux

0. First, create your own gpg key pair and publish your public key as http://yourwebsite.com/yourpubkey.txt

NOTE: Delete your email address from yourpubkey.txt so your email address is not found anywhere in http://yourwebsite.com/yourpubkey.txt. Otherwise, you will get a lot of spam emails.

Next, make sure there is .pinerc in your home directory. If not, run pine once and exit the program. It will automatically create .pinerc file.

1. Create symbolic soft links in your home directory

ln -s /usr/bin/gpg .gpg-clearsign
ln -s /usr/bin/gpg .gpg-encrypt
ln -s /usr/bin/gpg .gpg-encryptsign

2. Edit .pinerc file

customized-hdrs=X-GPG-PUBLIC_KEY: http://yourwebsite.com/yourpubkey.txt

display-filters="_LEADING(-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----)_" /usr/bin/gpg -d,
	"_LEADING(-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----)_" /usr/bin/gpg -d

sending-filters=/home/joe/.gpg-clearsign --clearsign,
	/home/joe/.gpg-encrypt -ea -r _RECIPIENTS_ --encrypt-to [email protected],
	/home/joe/.gpg-encryptsign -eas -r _RECIPIENTS_ --encrypt-to [email protected]
NOTE: [email protected] is your email address above :)

3. Start pine. When you press Control-X to send message, press Control-P (previous) or Control-N (next) to scroll through available gpg filters.

© Murty (My GPG Keys) All Rights Reserved